Welcome to
Lexi Sofia
Lexi Sofia is an international journal with an overarching cover of multifarious research domains. The journal envisages to encompass the facets of the world around us.We publish research articles, review papers, and case studies from a global audience and authors of different countries. We proudly serve as a platform for researchers, scholars, and professionals to disseminate their findings, ideas, and innovations to a worldwide audience.
Lexi Sofia is a peer-reviewed international journal conceived under the academic patronage of institutions with a research footprint of over 69 years. The Latin name baptised to the academic literature synonymizes ‘word of wisdom’. The journal houses esteemed scholars and researchers in its editorial board for the comprehensive coverage of domains. We function as a multidisciplinary international journal, committed to providing the authors with a timely evaluation of their manuscripts. The Lexi Sofia platform is an open-access journal established on the lines of a strong mission to provide scientific equity & justice with superior standards of integrity. The journal abides by the sustainable development goal number four of the United Nations in its drive to increase the global research footprint.

The vision of Lexi Sofia is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Pure and Applied Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Management, Commerce and Health Science. This is an online international and multidisciplinary forum for educationists, theorists, and researchers. The journal publishes peer reviewed academic articles and research papers including visual and graphical presentations, which deal with the topics related to theory and practices of international relevance.

The mission of Lexi Sofia is to provide the scholars with a platform to publish and read the latest research and advancements in multiple disciplines.Lexi Sofia focuses on serving diverse global communities by encouraging, disseminating and applying advanced knowledge for improving the quality of life. We encourage original research work, theoretical work, and application-based studies, which contribute to a better understanding of the relevant disciplines.
Frequency of publication: Quarterly
Language: English
Starting year: 2023
Subject: Multidisciplinary
Format of publication: Online
From Editor’s Desk
Dear students, researchers and members of the teaching fraternity
We are glad to announce that the International Multidisciplinary Journal Lexi Sofia is developed with the aim to assist researchers who are seeking publishing opportunities for their research work. The journal aims to publish a broad ranging open access journal that is fast and efficient in online submission and publication. The journal has an expert peer-reviewed research that will serve to create innovative information to circulate in the society. Lexi Sofia Journal is equally interested in the Multidisciplinary Research in Pure and Applied Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Management, Commerce and Health Sciences.
The editors of our journal having distinguished careers in their respective fields are committed to providing unbiased, rapid evaluations of the submitted manuscripts. The authors will certainly have a pleasant and intellectual experience working with our editors and reviewers.
The editorial board of Lexi Sofia realise the need for global open access platforms for sharing novel thoughts. I request your kind self to look into this matter seriously.
Prof Murukan Babu C.R
Why Choose Lexi Sofia?
- International and Peer-Reviewed Journal in an open source model for enhancing global innovation footprint
- Rapid, and easy publication with superior standard in quality.
- Every article will be provided with unique DOI from Crossref without any extra charges
- We have a very simple mode of submission, which can be facilitated via email or by other modes of communication
- Intended to be Abstracted/indexed by all the major National and International indexing services along with ISSN number and to be a UGC approved journal
- Certificate of publication to each author along with best paper awards in equal periods for all major domains
- We are an open Access to all articles and we urge the researchers to access our journal anytime & from anywhere in the world
- We move with a strong drive to improved visibility of articles to get more citations
- We charge a very nominal publication fee for the overall development of the journal and to support our social cause
- Lexi Sofia strives to achieve scientific excellence in the highest standards of scientific integrity and therefore follows a strict policy against plagiarism
Domains Covered
- Automobile engineering
- Biotechnology
- Cancer Biology
- Chemical engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil engineering
- Commerce
- Computer science engineering
- Culinary arts
- English literature
- Fashion designing
- Fashion technology
- Food technology
- Hindi Literature
- Hotel management
- Immunology
- Malayalam literature
- Management
- Mechanical engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Medical Science
- Molecular Biology
- Multimedia
- Nuclear sciences
- Pharmaceutical science
- Physics
- Travel and tourism