
Lexi Sofia is an international journal with an overarching cover of multifarious research domains. The journal envisages to encompass the facets of the world around us.We publish research articles, review papers, and case studies from a global audience and authors of different countries. We proudly serve as a platform for researchers, scholars, and professionals to disseminate their findings, ideas, and innovations to a worldwide audience.

Lexi Sofia is a peer reviewed international journal conceived under the academic patronage of institutions with a research footprint of over 69 years. Nirmala group of institutions was established in 1954 in Kerala, India. The institution offers courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels in an integrated campus comprising schools of arts, engineering, technology, management and health sciences. We have a rich resource pool of about 300 academic staff and 3500 students among our 30 coursework. Our integrated campus is also home to Nirmala international office and Nirmala Research Centre. These latter establishments were introduced to increase the innovation footprint of the institution.

Journal Scope

Lexi Sofia is an impactful multidisciplinary research journal that aims to be transformational and direction-setting, publishing rigorous and robust papers for a multidisciplinary and diverse audience. The journal serves as the home for significant, broadly relevant, and generalizable research that serves to inform decision-making. The prospective authors are encouraged to review recent issues to gain an understanding of the topics that are of greatest interest to the journal’s readers. They are expected to establish in their cover letters the relevance of their submissions to the editorial board. Prospective authors are also directed to the Lexi Sofia Author Guidelines for further details on the full scope of the journal, novelty and quality expectations, and minimum requirements. We welcome contributions that make your research ideas available to audiences all over the world.

Journal Policies

  • Open Access Policy: All the articles published in Lexi Sofia Journal are made freely accessible online immediately after publication in an easily readable format, without any subscription or registration barrier.
  • Peer-review Policy: The manuscript will be reviewed by two suitable experts in respective subject areas. The reports of both the reviewers will be considered when deciding on acceptance/revision or rejection of a manuscript. The Editor-In-Chief will make the final decision, based on the reviewer’s comments.
  • Author Self-declaration policy: The Journal requisites the author to issue a self declaration letter ensuring scientific integrity and research ethics during the process
  • Plagiarism policy: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
  • Waiver Policy: Lexi Sofia may grant the partial waiver in article processing charges to the authors those are unable to process the payment due to multifarious reasons
  • Disclaimer: The author(s) of the articles published in this Journal is/are solely responsible for the content of the article. Neither the journal nor its editors or publisher or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distribution assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the Journal, nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of the Lexi Sofia Journal.


The vision of Lexi Sofia is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Pure and Applied Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Management, Commerce and Health Science. This is an online international and multidisciplinary forum for educationists, theorists, and researchers. The journal publishes peer reviewed academic articles and research papers including visual and graphical presentations, which deal with the topics related to theory and practices of international relevance.


The mission of Lexi Sofia is to provide the scholars with a platform to publish and read the latest research and advancements in multiple disciplines.Lexi Sofia focuses on serving diverse global communities by encouraging, disseminating and applying advanced knowledge for improving the quality of life. We encourage original research work, theoretical work, application-based studies, which contribute to a better understanding of the relevant disciplines.


Journal Policies

  • Open Access Policy: All the articles published in Lexi Sofia Journal are made freely accessible online immediately after publication in an easily readable format, without any subscription or registration barrier.
  • Peer-review Policy: The manuscript will be reviewed by two suitable experts in respective subject areas. The reports of both the reviewers will be considered when deciding on acceptance/revision or rejection of a manuscript. The Editor-In-Chief will make the final decision, based on the reviewer’s comments.
  • Author Self-declaration policy: The Journal requisites the author to issue a self declaration letter ensuring scientific integrity and research ethics during the process
  • Plagiarism policy: The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
  • Waiver Policy: Lexi Sofia may grant the partial waiver in article processing charges to the authors those are unable to process the payment due to multifarious reasons
  • Disclaimer: The author(s) of the articles published in this Journal is/are solely responsible for the content of the article. Neither the journal nor its editors or publisher or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distribution assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the Journal, nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of the Lexi Sofia Journal.